Business Anatomy 101 – All about the Moodboards, Baby

woman putting photo on the wall
Photo by cottonbro studio on

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What are Moodboards Anyway?

A business moodboard can be a great way to give your team a clear vision and purpose. What is a moodboard, you ask? A moodboard is a collection of visuals, images, and words that can be used to create a shared understanding of the company’s mission and values. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to create an effective business moodboard and how it can help you (and/or your team) stay focused and motivated, while keeping your brand’s aesthetics on point.

Gathering Visuals

The first step in creating a business moodboard is to find visual material that captures the essence of your company’s message and mission. Consider the colors, symbols, and words that represent your company’s values and use them in your moodboard. You can find visuals from online resources, such as stock photos, or you can create your own visuals. Pinterest, Unsplash, and many other free image websites, can help with gathering imagery for this. I recommend starting with Pinterest to get starting ideas, and then moving on to free image websites to find images that you can use without worry. Unsplash is a longtime favorite of mine, and one that I have used to build many moodboards for various projects.

Choosing a Layout

Once you’ve gathered enough visuals, it’s time to choose a layout for your moodboard. Consider the size and shape of the moodboard, as well as the arrangement of the visuals on it. Choose a layout that will draw attention to the visuals and make them easy to understand.

Finally when you have your layout, it is time to add the finishing touches. Consider the overall look of the moodboard and make sure that it reflects the message and mission of your company. Add any additional visuals, words, or symbols that will enhance the visuals and bring the moodboard to life.

Take it to the Next Level

Okay, so you’ve made your digital moodboard, and have a reference for what you want your brand’s aesthetic to be. Consider printing your images and crating a PHYSICAL moodboard with them. Find items with texture like bits of cloth, or letterpressed tags that you can incorporate. If you create your moodboard in a space in your office or workspace that you can see it every day, you have a gorgeous reminder of your visuals to help with all of your content creation. As a bonus, you can have a professional photographer take pictures of you with your board, which makes for gorgeous behind the scenes imagery.

So there you have it

Creating a business moodboard can be a great way to provide a clear vision and purpose for your business. Gathering visuals, choosing a layout, and adding the finishing touches are the key steps in creating an effective business moodboard. With a clear and engaging moodboard, you can stay focused and really make a cohesive statement with your brand.


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